To amend Chapter 47 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, Transportation for Hire, by adding Article X, Electric Personal Mobility Devices, Division 1, Generally, Section 47-10-1, Definitions, Section 47-10-2, Administration and enforcement, Section 47-10-3, Responsibility for violations, Section 47-10-4, Violations; administrative remedies permitted, Section 47-10-5, Registry and reporting of alleged violations, and Section 47-10-6, Abandonment, obstruction, removal, storage, and disposition, Division 2, Shared Mobility Permits, Section 47-10-11, Permit required, Section 47-10-12, Permit fee, Section 47-10-13, Permit term, effective date, and expiration, Section 47-10-14, Issuance of permits, Section 47-10-15, Promulgation of parameters and minimum requirements for evaluation of shared mobility permit applications, and Section 47-10-16, Application for permit, Division 3, Responsibilities of Owners of Shared Fleets and Operators of Electric Personal Mobility Devices, Section 47-10-31, Digital platform, Section 47-10-32, Customer support services, Section 47-10-33, Identification, maintenance, and repair, Section 47-10-34, Deployment, Section 47-10-35, Geofencing, Section 47-10-36, Interference with other shared mobility permittees, Section 47-10-37, Operator education; community engagement; participation in mobility initiatives, Section 47-10-38, Data sharing, Section 47-10-39, Insurance requirements, and Section 47-10-40, Indemnity, and Division 4, Technical, Operational, and Parking Standards for Shared Electric Personal Mobility Devices, Section 47-10-51, Applicability, Section 47-10-52, Construction and maintenance standards, Section 47-10-53, Displays of information, Section 47-10-54, Geolocation, Section 47-10-55, Mobility as a service accessibility, Section 47-10-56, Remote or automatic incapacitation, Section 47-10-57, Approved areas of operation; restrictions, Section 47-10-58, Temporary suspension of operations by Director, Section 47-10-59, Operation in compliance with traffic laws and other safety requirements, and Section 47-10-60, Shared electric personal mobility device parking standards, to require permitting for making shared electric personal mobility devices available for hire and to establish technical, operational, and parking standards for such shared electric personal mobility devices. (SIX (6) VOTES REQUIRED AND SHALL BE GIVEN IMMEDIATE EFFECT AND SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON PUBLICATION) ROLL CALL (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 2-20-23)