To amend Chapter 50 of the Detroit City Code, Zoning, by adding Article XII, Use Regulations, Division 2, General Use Standards, Section 50-12-131.1, Manufacturing and industrial uses - Spacing, and Division 3, Specific Use Standards, Subdivision E, Retail, Service and Commercial Uses; Generally, continued, Section 50-12-295.l, Medium/heavy duty vehicle or equipment repair establishment; and by amending Article II, Review and Decision Making Bodies, Division 6, Advisory Review Committees, Subdivision E, Solid Waste Facility Review Committee, Section 50-2-165, Solid waste facilities subject to review; Article V, Violations and Enforcement, Division 2, Violations and Penalties; Blight Violations, Section 50-5-28, Land use without permit, Section 50-5-29, Failure to comply with condition granted by the Buildings, Safety Engineering, and Environmental Department or by the Board of Zoning Appeals, Section 50-5-30, Failure to comply with a parking, loading, or dimensional requirement, and Section 50- 5-31, Failure to comply with other land use or procedural requirements; Article IX, Business Zoning Districts, Division 4, BJ Shopping District, Section 50-9-82, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, Division 5, B4 General Business District, Section 50-9-112, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, Division 6, B5 Major Business District, Section 50-9-142, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, Division 7, B6 General Services District, Section 50-9-166, By-right retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-9-167, By-right manufacturing and industrial uses, Section 50-9-172, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, and Section 50-9-173, Conditional manufacturing and industrial uses; Article X, Industrial Zoning Districts, Division 2, Ml Limited Industrial District, Section 50-10-16, By-right retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-10-22, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-10-23, Conditional manufacturing and industrial uses, Division 3, M2 Restricted Industrial District, Section 50-10-46, By-right retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-10-47, By right manufacturing and industrial uses, Section 50-10-52, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, and Section 50-10-53, Conditional manufacturing and industrial uses, Division 4, M3 General Industrial District, Section 50-10-76, By-right retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-10-77, By-right manufacturing and industrial uses, Section 50-10-82, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, and Section 50-10-83, Conditional manufacturing and industrial uses, Division 5, M4 Intensive Industrial District,Section 50-10-106, By-right retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-10-107, By-right manufacturing and industrial uses, Section 50-10-112, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-10-113, Conditional manufacturing and industrial uses, Division 6, M5 Special Industrial District, Section 50-10-136, By-right retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-10-137, By-right manufacturing and industrial uses, and Section 50-10-142, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses; Article XI, Special Purpose Zoning Districts and Overlay Areas, Division 6, TM Transitional-Industrial District, Section 50-11-116, By-right retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-11-117, By-right manufacturing and industrial uses, Section 50-11-122, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-11-123, Conditional industrial uses, Division 8, WI Waterfront-Industrial District, Section 50-11-183, Conditional manufacturing and industrial uses, Division 10, SD2-Special Development District, Mixed-Use, Section 50-11-242, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, Division 12, SD4 Special Development District, Riverfront Mixed Use, Section 50-11-298, Conditional retail, service, and commercial uses, Section 50-11-299, Conditional manufacturing and industrial uses, Division 14, Overlay Areas, Subdivision A, Gateway Radial Thoroughfare Overlay Areas, Section 50-11-364, Prohibitions and limitations; Article XII, Use Regulations, Division 1, Use Table, Subdivision D, Retail, Service, and Commercial uses, Section 50-12-69, Retail sales and service, sales-oriented, Section 50-12-71, Vehicle repair and service, Subdivision E, Manufacturing and Industrial Uses, Section 50-12-81, Industrial service, Section 50-12-83, Warehouse andfreight movement, Section 50-12- 84, Waste-related use, Division 2, General Use Standards, Section 50-12-131, Retail, service, and commercial uses - Spacing, Division 3, Specific Use Standards, Subdivision E, Retail, Service, and Commercial Uses; Generally, continued, Section 50-12-291, Motor vehicles, new or used; storage lot accessory to a salesroom or sales lot/or new or used motor vehicles, Section 50-12- 293, Motor vehicles, used, salesroom or sales lot, Section 50-12-294, Motor vehicle services, major repair, Section 50-12-295, Motor vehicle services, minor, Subdivision F, Manufacturing and Industrial Uses, Section 50-12-341, Junkyards, Section 50-12-349, Scrap tire storage, processing, or recyclingfacility, Section 50-12-350, Tires, used,· sales and/or service, Section 50- 12-352, Towing service storage yards, Section 50-12-355, Trucking terminals, transfer buildings, truck garages, recreational vehicle storage lots, and open areas for the parking of operable trucks, Section 50-12-356, Used vehicle parts sales, Division 5, Accessory Uses and Structures, Subdivision C, Specific Accessory Use Standards, Section 50-12-517, Motor vehicle salesroom or sales lot; Article XIII, Intensity and Dimensional Standards, Division 1, Tables of Intensity and Dimensional Standards, Subdivision C, Business Districts, Section 50-13-44, BJ District, Section 50-13-45, B4 District, Section 50-13-47, B6 District, Subdivision E, Industrial Districts, Section 50-13-82, Ml District, Section 50-13-85, M4 District, Subdivision G, Special Purpose Zoning Districts, Section 50-13-126, TM District; Article XIV, Development Standards, Division 1, Off Street Parking, Loading, and Access, Subdivision B, Off-Street Parking Schedule "A", Section 50-14-60, Vehicle repair and service, and Section 50-14-64, Warehouse andfreight movement; Article XV, Nonconformities, Division 2, Nonconforming Uses, Section 50-15-30, Change of nonconforming use to other nonconforming use; Article XVI, Rules of Construction and Definitions, Division 2, Words and Terms Defined, Subdivision J, Letters "I" Through "J", Section 50-16-262, Words and terms (In -Iz), Subdivision K, Letters "K" Through "L ", Section 50-16-283, Words and terms (Lh - Lm), Subdivision L, Letter "M", Section 50-16-301, Words and terms (Ma-Mg), Section 50-16-303, Words and terms (Mn-Ms), Subdivision P, Letter "S", Section 50-16-381, Words and terms (Sa - Sd), Subdivision R, Letter "U", Section 50-16-421, Words and terms (Ua - Us), Subdivision S, Letter "V", Section 50-16-441, Words and terms (Va - Vg), Subdivision T, Letters "W" Through "Z", Section 50-16-461, Words and terms (Wa- Wz); and Appendix A, Assignment of Specific Use Types to General Use Categories, Division 3, Letter "C", Division 4, Letter "D ", Division 13, Letter "M", and Division 20, Letter "T", all to change the permissibility of motor vehicle sales and repair uses including junkyards and towing service storage yards, to implement a spacing requirement between such uses, to re-define several motor vehicle repair uses, and to update the use regulations for such uses. 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