1340 Coleman A. Young Municipal Center (313) 224-3443 Detroit, MI 48226

To attend by phone only, call one of these numbers: +1 929 436 2866, +1 312 626 6799, +1 669 900 6833, +1 253 215 8782, +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799 - Enter Meeting ID: 85846903626

With advance notice of seven calendar days, the City of Detroit will provide interpreter services at public meetings, including American Sign Language, language translation and reasonable ADA accommodations. Please contact the Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity Department at (313) 224-4950, through the TTY number 711, or email crio@detroitmi.gov to schedule these services.














Ms. Stephanie Parker

Asst. City Council Committee Clerk


Council Member Scott Benson - Present

Council Member Fred Durhal, III - Absent

Council Member Latisha Johnson - Present

Council Member Gabriela Santiago-Romero - Present

Council Member Mary Waters - Present

Council Member Angela Whitfield-Calloway - Present

Council Member Coleman Young, II - Absent

Council President Pro Tem James Tate - Present

Council President Mary Sheffield - Absent

Quorum Present 6-0

The Journal of May 14, 2024 was Approved 6-0

There are no items.

There are no items.



To amend Chapter 17 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, Finance, Article II, Budget, by adding, Division 4, Oversight Funding, to include Section 17-2-31, Proportional Funding, Section 17-2-32, Adoption of Funding Formula by Resolution, Section 17-2-33, Appropriations, Section 17-2-34, Four Year Review Required; Annual Reports Required, Section 17-2-35, Legislative Determination, Section 17-2-36, Minimum Alternative Funding, and Section 17-2-37, Reservation of Administrative Rights, in order to foster strong oversight by the City’s oversight agencies of City of Detroit governmental units and officials. (FOR INTRODUCTION AND THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING?)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Request for Approval to write-off identified old, aged EMS delinquent accounts receivables.  (Pursuant to City Ordinance 17-6-6, “Adjustment or cancellation of Uncollectible Accounts”, the purpose of this resolution is to request City Council approval for the writeoff of identified old, aged EMS delinquent accounts receivables. The Office of the Treasury’s Revenue Collection Unit, in conjunction with the Detroit Fire Department, has performed its full due diligence to collect the receivables as identified below. In compliance with City Ordinance, it is the Treasury’s recommendation the following aged EMS delinquent account receivables (GL Fund 1000 Object 124340 – A/R Misc.) should be removed and written-off from the Oracle Account Receivable database along with the City’s general ledger accounts receivable, including any corresponding Allowance for Doubtful A/R Misc. (GL Fund 1000 Object 125130).)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Fiscal Impact of Proposed Fugitive Dust Ordinance.

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate Applications for the construction of seven new single-family houses at 1738, 1742, 1746, 1752, 1771, 1795 and 1805 Fischer in the East Village Amended Neighborhood Enterprise Zone area. (RECOMMEND APPROVAL)  (The Office of the City Clerk forwarded to the City Planning Commission (CPC) seven applications requesting a 15-year Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificate for the construction of single family houses at 1738, 1742, 1746, 1752, 1771, 1795 and 1805 Fischer.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)



Contract No. 6006291 - 100% City Funding – To Provide Federal Lobbyist Services. – Contractor: Boundary Stone Partners, LLC – Location: 718 7th Street NW, #200, Washington, D.C. 20001 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 30, 2025 – Total Contract Amount: $210,000.00. LAW

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006265 - 100% City Funding - To Provide Structured Network Cabling Installation Services to Various City Locations. – Contractor: Infinite Technologies, LLC – Location: 1927 Rosa Parks Boulevard, Suite 110, Detroit, MI 48216 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 3, 2027 – Total Contract Amount: $500,000.00. DoIT

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006264 - 100% City Funding - To Provide Structured Network Cabling Installation Services to Various City Locations. – Contractor: Nerds Xpress, LLC – Location: 440 Burroughs Street, Suite 607, Detroit, MI 48202 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 3, 2027 – Total Contract Amount: $500,000.00. DoIT

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006267 - 100% City Funding - To Provide Structured Network Cabling Installation Services to Various City Locations. – Contractor: Decima, LLC – Location: 16870 Schaefer Highway, Detroit, MI 48235 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 3, 2027 – Total Contract Amount: $500,000.00. DoIT

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006266 - 100% City Funding - To Provide Structured Network Cabling Installation Services to Various City Locations. – Contractor: Groundwork 0 – Location: 2000 Brush Street, Suite 262, Detroit, MI 48226 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 3, 2027 – Total Contract Amount: $500,000.00. DoIT

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Settlement in lawsuit of Jesse Duncan vs City of Detroit; File 14600, LE-007394, CM, A38000, and in the amount of ($97,500.00), in full payment for any and all claims which Jesse Duncan may have against the City of Detroit and any other City of Detroit employees by reason of alleged injuries sustained.

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Request for Legal Review on Solar Farms. (The Law Department has submitted a privileged and confidential memorandum regarding the above-referenced matter.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Status of Animal Keeping in Detroit by Registered Non-Profit Organization.  (The Law Department has submitted a privileged and confidential memorandum regarding the above-referenced matter.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


City Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions.  (The Legislative Policy Division ("LPD") has been requested to update its report listing City Council's board and commission appointments. There are numerous boards, committees, commissions, corporations or authorities to which your Honorable Body makes appointments or plays a role in the selection of its members. Appointments are official once they are voted upon by the City Council and sworn into office by the City Clerk.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Submitting memorandum relative to Request Waiver of Privilege for Opinion regarding Property Tax Reform Ordinance Drafted May 14, 2024.

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Submitting memorandum relative to Opinion & Process for Recognizing Juneteenth.

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Submitting memorandum relative to a Resolution to Re-Establish Film Incentives in Michigan.

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Submitting memorandum relative to Removing the Privileged and Confidential Title from the Legal Opinion on the Status of Animal Keeping in Detroit by Registered Non-Profit Organizations.

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)



Petition of The Parade Company (#2024-158), request to hold "2024 Ford Fireworks" at the Detroit River on June 24, 2024 (rain date June 25th), from 6:00PM until 11:00PM.  Setup is to begin on June 22, 2024 at 7:00 A.M. and completed by June 25th by 11:00 P.M. with teardown on June 25th at 8:00 A.M. (The Mayor's Office and all other involved City Departments RECOMMEND APPROVAL of this petition.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Petition of American Heart Association (#2024-147), request to host "2024 Metro Detroit Heart and Stroke Walk & 5K" at Wayne State University on 06/08/24 from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Set-up will begin on 06/07/24 at 11:00 A.M. and will he completed by the event start time on 06/08/24 at 8:00 A.M. Tear down will be completed on 06/08/24 at 12:00 P.M.)  (The Mayor's Office and all other involved City Departments RECOMMEND APPROVAL of this petition.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Petition of Tee-Trait 50lc-3 (#2024-161), request to hold "Tec­ Troit" at 1151 Taylor St on June 7th through June 9th, from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Set-up to begin June 7th, 9:00 AM and completed by 3:00 PM with tear down to begin June 9th, at 10:00 PM and completed by June 10th 2:00 AM.  (The Mayor's Office and all other involved City Departments RECOMMEND APPROVAL of this petition.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Petition of City of Detroit Office of Mobility Innovation (#2024-160), request to hold "North End Community Bike Ride" at 444 Smith St. on June 1st, from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Set-up to begin June 1st, 11:00 AM and completed by 12:00 PM with tear down complete by 4:00 PM. (The Mayor's Office and all other involved City Departments RECOMMEND APPROVAL of this petition.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Petition of Tour de Troit, Inc. (#2024-163), request to host "Tour D" East Side" at Mariner's Park and along streets. The event will be held from June 08th from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Set-up will begin on June 8th at 5:00 A.M. and be completed by 7:00 A.M. the same day. Tear down will begin on June 8th from 4:00 P.M. and be completed by June 9th at 6:00 P.M.  (The Mayor's Office and all other involved City Departments RECOMMEND APPROVAL of this petition.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Contract No. 6006336 - 100% Grant Funding – To Provide Tree Planting at Voigt Park. – Contractor: W. H. Canon, LLC – Location: 36700 Northline Road, Romulus, MI 48174 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through November 7, 2025 – Total Contract Amount: $53,770.00. GENERAL SERVICES

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006348 - Revenue Contract – To License Space at the Northwest Activity Center for the Purpose of Providing a Local Bank Branch, ATM, and Related Community Programming. – Contractor: Fifth Third Bank, National Association – Location: 38 Fountain Square Plaza, Cincinnati, OH 45236 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 30, 2034 – Total Contract Amount: $343,800.00. GENERAL SERVICES

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)



Contract No. 6006106 - Revenue Contract – To Provide Short Term Lease of City Property for Staging for Brush Park Development. – Contractor: Brush Park MHT Limited Dividend Housing Association, LLC – Location: 32500 Telegraph Road, Suite 100, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through April 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $15,000.00. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006107 - Revenue Contract – To Provide Short Term Lease of City Property for Staging for MLK on 2nd Development. – Contractor: MLK on 2nd Limited Dividend Housing Association, LLC – Location: 32500 Telegraph Road, Suite 100, Bingham Farms, MI 48025– Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through January 31, 2025 – Total Contract Amount: $9,500.00. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006344 - 100% CBDG Funding – To Provide Youth Wages for the Grow Detroit Young Talent (GDYT) Program. – Contractor: Detroit Employment Solutions Corp – Location: 115 Erskine, Detroit, MI 48201 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through May 31, 2025 – Total Contract Amount: $1,500,000.00. HOUSING AND REVITALIZATION

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Historic District Commission Resolution and Report for Def Sound Studio House Historic District.  (Pursuant to Section 21-2-56(1) of the Detroit City Code, the Historic District Commission (HDC) shall be responsible for review and comment on proposed historic district designations and their elements of design. HDC has adopted the attached Resolution 24-01 pertaining to the proposed Def Sound Studio House Historic District.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Submitting memorandum relative to Motor City Restore – Contractor Concerns.

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)



Contract No. 6005921 - 100% Grant Funding – To Provide Residential Redevelopment of Vacant Parcels in North Cork Town Neighborhood. – Contractor: The Community Builders, Inc. d/b/a TCB Affordable Housing, Inc. – Location: 185 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA 02116 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through September 11, 2026 – Total Contract Amount: $750,000.00. BUILDING SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006307 - 100% City Funding – To Provide as needed Plumbing Services for City Facilities. – Contractor: Limbach Company LLC – Location: 45 W. Grand River Ave., Detroit, MI 48226 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval for a Period of Three (3) Years – Total Contract Amount: $1,500,000.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006240 - 100% ARPA Funding – To Provide and Install Exhaust Contamination Removal System at DFD Ladder 30 and Engines 55, 57 & 60 – Contractor: Rossman Enterprises, Inc. – Location: 11449 Deerfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 30, 2025 – Total Contract Amount: $150,593.09. FIRE

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6005280-A1 - 100% ARPA Funding – AMEND 1 – To Provide an Increase of Funds and Amend the Scope for the Construction of a New Gymnasium for the Farwell Recreation Center. – Contractor: DeAngelis Diamond Construction, LLC – Location: 3955 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 235, Novi, MI 48375 – Contract Period: June 13, 2023 through December 31, 2024 – Contract Increase Amount: $665,000.00 – Total Contract Amount: $4,339,417.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006308 - 100% City Funding – To Provide as needed Plumbing Services for City Facilities. – Contractor: Benkari LLC – Location: 18427 W. McNichols, Detroit, MI 48219 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval for a Period of Three (3) Years – Total Contract Amount: $1,500,000.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Contract No. 3075111 - The following request is an emergency PO for the rental of Evolv Outdoor Next Generation Metal Detection Systems. The City of Detroit will be hosting the 2024 Grand Prix between the dates of 5/29/2024 –6/2/2024. A rental of additional six Evolv Outdoor Next Generation Metal Detection Systems will be needed for this major event being held in Detroit. The screening systems are mobile and allow placement at various venue or facility locations indoors or outdoors. The City of Detroit will be sponsoring this very large event and will need this precise technology to enhance security and prevent vulnerabilities. The use of metal detection systems and prevention of bringing in weapons into these areas will result in a safe and positive outcome. For this request, Event Metal detectors will rent this equipment to the city at a better rate than the manufacturer Evolve. (Pursuant to Section 17-5-91 c, The Purchasing Director, without prior approval of the City Council, may make, or authorize others to make, an emergency procurement when public exigencies require the immediate delivery of articles or performance of services or when there exists a threat to public health, welfare or safety under emergency conditions where prior approval of the City Council would be impossible or impracticable under the circumstances.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)


Dangerous Buildings Findings and Orders for May 17, 2024.  (The Department of Appeals and Hearings has filed the findings and demolition orders of the Hearing Officer for the Dangerous Buildings hearings held on May 17, 2024, in accordance with Section 8-17-24(d) of the 2019 Detroit City Code.)

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

Submitting memorandum relative to many issues with the Himmelhoch Apartments building in Downtown. 

REFER TO COMMITTEE 6-0 (Sheffield, Durhal, Young is not present)

There are no items.

There are no items.

Council Member Fred Durhal, III entered and took his seat 7-0

Public Comment - In Person: Ms. Williams, Bettie Lyons, May Mayberry, Ronald Foster, Silvia Thomas

Public Comment - Virtual: Cunningham, Election Integrity Roo, Tahira Ahmad, William M. Davis, Steven Hawring, Marguerite Maddox Scarlet, Karen Winston, Renard Monczunski, Betty A. Varner, Malik Shelton, Chuck, Joann Warwick, Caller Richard Clay, Patricia Bosh, Meeko A. Williams


Contract No. 6006297 - 100% City Funding – To Provide Financial Advisory Services. – Contractor: Public Resources Advisory Group, Inc. – Location: 39 Broadway Suite 1210 New York, NY 10006 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through May 31, 2027 – Total Contract Amount: $500,000.00. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 

APPROVED 7-0 WITH A WAIVER (Sheffield and Young are not Present)


2024 – 2025 FY Budget and Use of Fund.  (The approved 2024 – 2025 FY Budget provided for an increase in the per diem rate for the Board of Review and applied a one-time expenditure for software required to the implemented for use by the Board of Review.) 

APPROVED 7-0 WITH A WAIVER (Sheffield, Young is not present)


Calumet 2024 MHT Limited Dividend Housing Association, LLC – Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT).  (MHT Housing Inc. has formed Calumet 2024 MHT Limited Dividend Housing Association, LLC in order to develop an existing 20-building apartment and townhome complex in Mid-town Detroit near Wayne State's Campus. The Project property includes twenty-six (26) apartments and seventy­ eight (78) townhomes known as Calumet Apartments and Townhomes. The area is bounded by West Forest Avenue on the north, Third Street on the east, Calumet Street on the south and John C. Lodge Freeway on the west.) 

APPROVED 6-1 Calloway (Sheffield, Young is not present)


Proposed Resolution to Approve Fees Established Under Section 17-5-12 of the 2019 Detroit City Code for the Administration of the Responsible Contracting Ordinance. (Council approval of CRIO’s proposed fees for certification of Construction Workforce Development Businesses and Construction Workforce Investment Businesses.) 

APPROVED 7-0 WITH A WAIVER (Sheffield, Young is not present)


Settlement in lawsuit of Williams, Robert v City of Detroit, DPD Chief James White, et al; Case No. 21-10827; File No. L21-00333(PMC), Police Department, $300,000.00 in full payment for any and all claims which Robert Junial-Borchak Williams may have a against the City of Detroit and any other City of Detroit employees by reason of alleged injuries sustained. 

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Settlement in lawsuit of Warriors Pharmacy (Tommy Watkins) v City of Detroit; Case Number: 23-158226-GC File Number: L23-00543 (RBJ) (DDOT) in the amount of ($4,500.00) in full payment for any and all claims which Warriors Pharmacy (Tommy Watkins) may have against the City of Detroit and any other City of Detroit employees by reason of alleged injuries sustained on or about 05/18/2022. 

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Settlement in lawsuit of LaMarcus Massey v Marsalis Turner Case No. 22-11041, File No. L22-01036 (GBP) in the amount of ($120,000.00) in full payment for any and all claims which LaMarcus Massey may have against the City of Detroit and any other City of Detroit employees by reason of alleged injuries sustained on or about November 30, 2021. 

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Settlement in lawsuit of Monjui Jones as Personal Representative of the Estate of Rondolph Jones Jr v City of Detroit; Case No. 22-008369-NF, File No. L22-01115 (CLR) Department of Transportation, in favor of Monjui Jones, as personal representative of the estate of Randolph Jones, Jr., and attorneys, Elia & Ponto, PLLC, in the amount of ($20,000.00) in full payment for any and all claims which Monjui Jones, as personal representative of the estate of Randolph Jones, Jr., may have against the City of Detroit and any other City of Detroit employees by reason of alleged injuries sustained. 

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Legal Representation and Indemnification for Police Officer Kayla Roe in lawsuit Lavelle Raynard Williams v City of Detroit et al; Case No. 21-cv-11578; L21-00569 (CAB) A37000 (Police Department) for PO Kayla Roe. 

APPROVED 5-2 Tate, Santiago-Romero (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Legal Representation and Indemnification for Sergeant Brent Suhr in lawsuit Lavelle Raynard Williams v City of Detroit et al; Case No. 21-cv-11578; L21-00569 (CAB) A37000 (Police Department) for Sergeant Brent Suhr. 

APPROVED 6-1 Santiago-Romero (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Legal Representation and Indemnification for Detective Benjamin Atkinson in lawsuit Lavelle Raynard Williams v City of Detroit et al; Case No. 21-cv-11578; L21-00569 (CAB) A37000 (Police Department) for Detective Benjamin Atkinson. 

APPROVED 6-1 Santiago-Romero (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Legal Representation and Indemnification for Retired Police Officer Juan Reynoso in lawsuit Lavelle Raynard Williams v City of Detroit et al; Case No. 21-cv-11578; L21-00569 (CAB) A37000 (Police Department) for Retired Police Officer Juan Reynoso. 

APPROVED 6-1 Santiago-Romero (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Legal Representation and Indemnification for Police Officer Samuel Anderson in lawsuit Horrez Plater v City of Detroit et al; Case No. 23-cv-10440; L23-00169 (AA) A37000 (Police Department) for PO Samuel Anderson. 

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Offer of Judgment for Kennedy, Albany v USA Underwriters, Jason Howard and City of Detroit; Case No. 24-004393-NI, File No. L24-00858 (GBP), Department of Public Works, Offer of Judgment in the amount of ($4,500.00) in full payment for any and all claims which Albany Kennedy may have against the City of Detroit and any City of Detroit employees by reason of alleged injuries sustained on or about, and otherwise set forth in Case No. 24-004393-NI, that said amount be paid upon receipt of properly executed Releases, Stipulation and Order of Dismissal entered in Lawsuit No. 24-004393-NI and, where deemed necessary by the Law Department a properly executed Medicare/CMS Final Demand Letter. 

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)


Qualifications for Future of Health Advisory Board Members.  

MOTION: BRING BACK IN 1 WEEK (Motion made by WATERS, All Present Members in favor 3-0)


Contract No. 6006155 - 100% City Funding – To Provide Manage Cemetery Operations and Maintenance at Gethsemane, Forest Hill and Mount Hazel. – Contractor: Premier Group Associates, LC – Location: 2221 Bellevue St., Detroit, MI 48207 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through April 9, 2027 – Total Contract Amount: $1,365,000.00. GENERAL SERVICES (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 5-21-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 5-28-24)

POSTPONED FOR ONE WEEK 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6000364-A1 - 100% City Funding – AMEND 1 – To Provide an Extension of Time for Concession, License and Operating Agreement of Edward Tolan Playfield . – Contractor: Detroit Fitness Foundation – Location: 17190 Denver Street, Detroit, MI 48224 – Previous Contract Period: October 25, 2016 through June 20, 2024 – Amended Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 30, 2030 – Contract Increase Amount: $0.00 – Total Contract Amount: $0.00. GENERAL SERVICES (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 5-21-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 5-28-24)

APPROVED 7-0 with a Waiver (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006207 - 100% Capital Funding – To Provide Improvements to City Seawalls; Lower East Side Flood Mitigation. – Contractor: Detroit Building Authority – Location: 1301 Third Street, Detroit, MI 48226 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through April 30, 2027 – Total Contract Amount: $2,700,000.00. GENERAL SERVICES (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 5-21-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 5-28-24)

POSTPONE FOR ONE WEEK 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6004424-A2 - 100% Solid Waste Funding – AMEND 2 – To Provide an Extension of Time and an Increase of Funds for Fleet Vehicle Upfitting Services. – Contractor: ABS Storage Products, Inc. – Location: 8100 W. McNichols, Detroit, MI 48221 – Previous Contract Period: May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2024 – Amended Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through April 30, 2025 – Contract Increase Amount: $25,000.00 – Total Contract Amount: $421,252.75. GENERAL SERVICES (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 5-21-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 5-28-24)

APPROVED 7-0 with a Waiver (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006250 - 100% Blight Funding – To Provide High Tag Graffiti Removal Services. – Contractor: Fontenot Landscaping Services, LLC – Location: ADDRESS – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval for a Period of Three (3) Years – Total Contract Amount: $600,000.00. GENERAL SERVICES (REPORTED OUT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND COMMUNITY SERVICES STANDING COMMITTEE ON 5/16/24)

APPROVED 5-2 Calloway, Santiago-Romero (Sheffield, Young is not present)


To amend Chapter 21, Article II, of the 2019 Detroit City Code by adding Section 21-2-252 to establish the Def Sound Studio House Historic District, and to define the elements of design for the district.  (SIX (6) VOTES REQUIRED AND SHALL  BE GIVEN IMMEDIATE AND SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON PUBLICATION) ROLL CALL

APPROVED 7-0 with a Waiver (Sheffield, Young is not present)

To amend Chapter 43 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places, Article III, Opening, Closing, Extending, Widening, Vacating, Naming and Renaming of Streets, Subdivision A, Generally, by amending Section 43-3-41, Assignment of secondary street signs permitted, to allow for non-Detroit residents to be eligible for secondary street signs in certain circumstances. (SIX (6) VOTES REQUIRED AND SHALL  BE GIVEN IMMEDIATE AND SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON PUBLICATION) ROLL CALL

POSTPONE FOR ONE WEEK 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)


Contract No. 6004815-A1 - 100% ARPA Funding – AMEND 1 – To Provide an Extension of Time and an Increase of Funds for Landlord Repair Training Programs. – Contractor: Environmental Testing & Consulting, Inc. – Location: 38900 Huron River Drive, Romulus, MI 48174 – Previous Contract Period: November 30, 2022 through October 31, 2024 – Amended Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 30, 2025 – Contract Increase Amount: $42,050.00 – Total Contract Amount: $367,050.00. HOUSING AND REVITALIZATION (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 5-21-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 5-28-24)

POSTPONE FOR ONE WEEK 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6006236 - 100% City Funding – To Complete Renovations of BNP Property located at 19002 Stout Street. – Contractor: Jozef Contractor, Inc. – Location: 17245 Mt. Elliott, Detroit, MI 48212 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval for a Period of One (1) Year – Total Contract Amount: $62,700.00. HOUSING AND REVITALIZATION (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 5-21-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 5-28-24)

APPROVED 7-0 WITH A WAIVER (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6004886-A2 - 100% City Funding – AMEND 2 – To Provide an Extension of Time and an Increase of Funds for Staffing Services to Assist with Workforce Development. – Contractor: Detroit Employment Solutions Corp – Location: 115 Erskine, Detroit, MI 48201 – Previous Contract Period: November 15, 2022 through June 30, 2024 – Amended Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through June 30, 2025 – Contract Increase Amount: $665,000.00 – Total Contract Amount: $1,820,268.00. HOUSING AND REVITALIZATION 

APPROVED 7-0 with a Waiver (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Contract No. 6005951 - 100% Opioid Settlement Funding – To Provide Drug Use Intervention Counseling Services (Quick Response Team). – Contractor: Families Against Narcotics, Inc. – Location: 12048 West Grand River Avenue, Detroit, MI 48204 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through May 28, 2026 – Total Contract Amount: $1,300,000.00. HOUSING AND REVITALIZATION  

APPROVED 7-0 with a Waiver (Sheffield, Young is not present)


To amend Chapter 50 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, Zoning, by amending Article XVII, Zoning District Maps, Section 50-17-69, District Map No. 67, to modify an existing PD Planned Development District established by Ordinance 6-90 located on the northernly most 35 feet of property generally bounded by the Southfield Freeway, rail line, Artesian Street, and the residential area south of West Davison Street. (RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS) INTRODUCE

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Setting a Public Hearing on the foregoing ordinance amendment.

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

To amend Chapter 50 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, Zoning, by amending Article XVII, Zoning District Maps, Section 50-17-44, District Map No. 42, to revise the zoning classifications for certain properties, commonly known as 2001 15th Street and 2091 15th Street from the existing M4 (Intensive Industrial District) zoning classification to the B5 (Major Business District) zoning classification.  INTRODUCE

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Setting a Public Hearing on the foregoing ordinance amendment.

APPROVED 7-0 (Sheffield, Young is not present)

Authorizing An Extension of Second Ave. Across Both PC an PCA Zoning Districts At Hunting Place.

APPROVED 6-0  (Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)


Approving a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate, in the Area of 1420 Holden and 6217 Lincoln, Detroit, Michigan, in Accordance with Public Act 255 of 1978 on behalf of 1400 Holden LLC. (Petition #2024-039) (The Housing and Revitalization Department has reviewed the application of 1400 Holden, LLC, and find that it satisfies the criteria set forth by P.A. 255 of 1978 and would consistent with development and economic goals of the Master Plan.)

APPROVED 6-0  (Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Approving an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Certificate on behalf of 16703 Warren BD, LLC in the area of 16703 E. Warren Ave, Detroit, Michigan, in accordance with Public Act 146 of 2000 (Petition #1556) (The Housing and Revitalization Department and Finance Departments have reviewed the application of 16703 Warren BD, LLC and find that it satisfies the criteria set forth by P.A. 146 of 2000 and would be consistent with development and economic goals of the Master Plan.)  

APPROVED 6-0  (Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)


Contract No. 3073420 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Commercial Property, 17900 John R, Including Basement Backfill. – Contractor: Inner City Contracting, LLC – Location: 18715 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, MI 48223 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $491,928.95. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 5-21-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 5-28-24)

POSTPONE FOR ONE WEEK 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3073421 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Commercial Property, 12312 Dexter including Basement Backfill. – Contractor: Inner City Contracting, LLC – Location: 18715 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, MI 48223 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $93,150.95. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 5-21-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 5-28-24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3070983 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Residential Property, 11652 Winthrop. – Contractor: DMC Consultants, Inc. – Location: 13500 Foley Street, Detroit, MI 48227 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $28,150.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3072015 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Residential Property, 2725 Cody. – Contractor: DMC Consultants, Inc. – Location: 13500 Foley Street, Detroit, MI 48227 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $24,250.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3072755 – 100% City Funding – To Provide a Change Order for the Emergency Demolition for Ruddiman Middle School at 7310 Southfield for Multiple Basement Backfills with 21AA. – Contractor: Adamo Demolition Company – Location: 320 East Seven Mile Road, Detroit, MI 48203 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $823,427.20. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3073170 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Residential Property, 4117 Alter Road. – Contractor: Inner City Contracting, LLC – Location: 18715 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, MI 48223 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $34,000.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3073732 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Commercial Property, 6711 Michigan Avenue Building 101 including Partial Basement Backfill. – Contractor: Inner City Contracting, LLC – Location: 18715 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, MI 48223 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $103,080.93. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3073737 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Commercial Property, 1600 W Fort AKA Front Building 101. – Contractor: Homrich Wrecking, Inc. dba Homrich – Location: 3033 Bourke Street, Detroit, MI 48238 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $147,000.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3074151 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Commercial Property, 2633 Michigan including Basement Backfill. – Contractor: Inner City Contracting, LLC – Location: 18715 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, MI 48223 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $144,051.13. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3074152 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Commercial Property, 3902 W Warren including Basement Backfill. – Contractor: Inner City Contracting, LLC – Location: 18715 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, MI 48223 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $96,927.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 3074547 – 100% City Funding – To Provide an Emergency Demolition for the Residential Property, 7552 Nuernberg. – Contractor: LeadHead Construction, LLC – Location: 735 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI 48226 – Contract Period: Notification of Emergency through June 30, 2024 – Total Contract Amount: $28,575.00. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 6004789-A2 - 100% Grant Funding – AMEND 2 – To Provide an Increase of Funds for Dental Clinical Services to Eligible Persons within the City’s Service Area. – Contractor: My Community Dental Centers – Location: 5555 Conner St, Detroit, MI 48213 – Contract Period: October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2024 – Contract Increase Amount: $30,000.00 – Total Contract Amount: $255,640.00. HEALTH (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 6006302 - 100% City Funding – To Provide Firefighting Multipurpose 3X3 Fluorine-Free Foam Concentrate and Military Specification Solberg AS100 3x3 Foam. – Contractor: All Terrain Fire Support, Inc. – Location: 4720 Salisbury Road, Jacksonville, FL 32256 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval through May 31, 2027 – Total Contract Amount: $174,680.00. FIRE (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Contract No. 6006304 - 100% Major Street Funding – To Provide Square Tube Steel Signpost and Square Tube Signpost Anchors. – Contractor: MDSolutions, Inc. – Location: 8225 Estates Parkway, Plain City, OH 43064 – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval for a Period of One (1) Year – Total Contract Amount: $183,905.00. PUBLIC WORKS (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)


Request to Accept an increase in appropriation for the FY 2024 Public Health Emergency Preparedness Grant and the FY 2024 Public Health Emergency Preparedness - Cities Readiness Initiatives Grant.  (The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has awarded an increase in appropriation to the City of Detroit Health Department for the FY 2024 Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Grant, in the amount of $68,498.00. MDHHS has also awarded an increase in appropriation to the Health Department for the FY 2024 PHEP - Cities Readiness Initiatives (CRI) Grant, in the amount of $100,261.00.) (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)


Petition of SRM Associates LLC (x2024-141), request for encroachment within the southerly part of Larned Street, 120 ft. wide, adjacent to the parcel commonly known as 1555 E. Jefferson Avenue, for the installation of a sliding security gate.  ( All other involved City Departments, including the Public Lighting Authority and Public Lighting Department; also privately owned utility companies have reported no objections to the encroachment. Provisions protecting all utility installations are part of the attached resolution.) (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Petition of Innovative Acquisitions LLC (x2024-127),  request for encroachment within the westerly part of Grand River Avenue, 60 ft. wide, adjacent to the parcel commonly known as 1249 Washington Boulevard, for the installation of an on-site advertising sign. (All other involved City Departments, including the Public Lighting Authority and Public Lighting Department; also privately owned utility companies have reported no objections to the encroachment. Provisions protecting all utility installations are part of the attached resolution.) (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Petition of Harper Investment V LLC (x2024-126), request for encroachment within the southernly part of W. Vernor Highway and the easterly part of Lawndale St. adjacent to the parcel commonly known as 8631 W. Vernor Highway, for the installation of four above grade awnings. (All other involved City Departments, including the Public Lighting Authority and Public Lighting Department; also privately owned utility companies have reported no objections to the encroachment. Provisions protecting all utility installations are part of the attached resolution.) (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Petition of The City of Detroit Department of Public Works  (x2024-105) -  request for a vacation, with reserve of a utility easement, part of East Grand River Avenue, part of Centre Street, and part of the public alley lying east of East Grand River, between Madison Avenue and Centre Street. Also, for the vacation, with reserve of a utility easement, part of Randolph Street, lying north of Gratiot Avenue.  (The request was approved by the Solid Waste Division- DPW, and Traffic Engineering Division - DPW, and City Engineering - DPW. Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) has no objection provided certain provisions are met. The DWSD provisions are a part of the attached resolution. All other involved City Departments, and privately owned utility companies have reported no objections. Provisions protecting utility installations are part of the attached resolution.) (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Petition of CM Brooklyn LLC (x2024-116), request for encroachment within the westerly part of Brooklyn Avenue and within the east-west public alley adjacent to the parcel commonly known as 1441 Brooklyn Street, for the installation of a new awning and an existing awning. (Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) reports being involved, but they have no objection provided the DWSD encroachment provisions are followed. The DWSD provisions have been made a part of the resolution All other involved City Departments, including the Public Lighting Authority and Public Lighting Department; also privately owned utility companies have reported no objections to the encroachment. Provisions protecting all utility installations are part of the attached resolution.) (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Petition of 1550 Webward, LLC (x2024-117), request for encroachments within the easterly part of Woodward Ave, adjacent to the parcel commonly known as 1550 Woodward Avenue, for the installation of a new canopy and a new decorative facade, as well as within the public alley bounded by Woodward Ave, John R St, Witherell St, and Broadway Ave adjacent to the parcel commonly known as 1550 Woodward Avenue, for the installation of a new canopy, new utilities, 2 new sub-grade frost slabs, and the repair of 4 existing curbs.  (Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) reports being involved, but they have no objection provided the DWSD encroachment provisions are followed. The DWSD provisions have been made a part of the resolution. All other involved City Departments, including the Public Lighting Authority and Public Lighting Department; also privately owned utility companies have reported no objections to the encroachment. Provisions protecting all utility installations are part of the attached resolution.) (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Petition of The Department of Public Works (x2024-118), request for the Vacation, with conversion to utility easement of the southerly portion of West Grand Blvd., bounded by West Jefferson Avenue and the Detroit River.  (The request was approved by the Solid Waste Division - DPW, and Traffic Engineering Division -DPW, and City Engineering - DPW. Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) has no objection provided certain provisions are met. The DWSD provisions are a part of the attached resolution. All other involved City Departments, and privately owned utility companies have reported no objections. Provisions protecting utility installations are part of the attached resolution.) (REPORTED OUT OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDING COMMITTEE ON 05/20/24)

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Petition of Silvia Thomas (#2024-159), request to speak before Council relative to Contract No. 6006155 for Cemetery Management. 

POSTPONE FOR ONE WEEK 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Rhuben Crowley Jr. plus 4  (x2024-167), request to appear before “City Council Neighborhood Community Services Standing Committee” to present orally and with documentation, exhibits and witnesses in relation to information being entered into the Detroit Database and coordinated efforts to suppress Citizens Complaints in relation to separate complaints.

FAIL 1-4 Calloway, Tate, Durhal, Santiago-Romero  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

There are no items.

Council Member(s); Durhal, Johnson, Santiago-Romero and President Pro Tem Tate all made Member Reports.

There are no items.

RECEIVE AND FILE 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

Testimonial Resolution for Debbie Stabenow, United States Senator, State of Michigan. 

APPROVED 5-0  (Benson, Waters, Sheffield, Young, is not present)

No Item Selected