To amend Chapter 8 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, Building Construction and Property Maintenance, Article XV, Property Maintenance, Division 1, In General, by amending Section 8-15-3, Definitions: A-B, Section 8-15-4, Definitions: C, Section 8-15-5, Definitions: D-F, Section 8-15-6, Definitions: G-K, Section 8-15-7, Definitions: L-O, Section 8- 15-8, Definitions: P-R, Section 8-15-9, Definitions: S-Z, and Section 8-15-11, Civil fines for violation of article, by amending Division 2, Administration and Enforcement, by amending Section 8-15-33, fees, Section 8-15-35, Certificate of Compliance required; violation for failure to obtain; temporary certificate and modifications, Section 8-15-36, Suspension or denial of Certificate of Compliance; revocation, Section 8-15-47, Issuance of correction notice or blight violation, Section 8-15-48, Curing or disputing correction notice; right of entry by City to abate public nuisance; obstruction of City employees and agents prohibited, and Section 8-15-49, Costs of abatement; collection of costs for City abatement of public nuisances, by amending Division 3, Requirements for Rental Property, by amending Subdivision A, In General, by amending Section 8-15-81, Registration of rental property, amending and renaming Section 8-15-82, Inspection of rental property; Certificate of Compliance required; registration of Certificates of Compliance for rental properties; violations; occupancy; length of Certificate of Compliance, repealing Section 8-15-83, Lead inspection/risk assessment, lead clearance, and relocating substitute Section 8-15-83, Federal and other governmental agency inspections accepted, repealing Section 8-15-84, Landlords and staff required to obtain HUD Visual Assessment Certification; annual inspections, and relocating substitute Section 8-15-84, Caretaker; responsible person; warning devices, by relocating Section 8-15-85, Window stops or guards required; exceptions, by adding Section 8-15-86, Tenant escrow, Section 8-15-87, Termination of tenancy to avoid compliance with subdivision or retaliatory action prohibited, Section 8-15-88, Consideration of Certificate of Compliance in eviction judgment, Section 8-15-89, Utilization of escrow accounts established under Michigan Housing Law, and Section 8-15-90, Notice and posting requirements for housing providers, and by amending Subdivision B, Lead Clearance, by amending Section 8-15-91, Purpose and intent; requirements, Section 8-15-92, Lead inspection and risk assessment, reports required, Section 8-15-94, Post-remedy clearance report, and Section 8-15-95, Requirement to avoid conflict of interest regarding lead-clearance inspection, and by repealing Section 8-15-98, Termination of tenancy to avoid compliance with this subdivision or retaliatory action prohibited, and by relocating to Section 8-15-98, Required distribution of information, and Section 8-15-99, Annual report required, in order to increase the effectiveness of the City of Detroit’s oversight of rental housing and improve the quality of rental housing available to tenants. (POSTPONED FROM THE FORMAL SESSION ON 10-22-24 AND BROUGHT BACK AS DIRECTED ON 10-29-24) (SIX (6) VOTES REQUIRED AND SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE ON JANUARY 1, 2025 UPON PUBLICATION) ROLL CALL