To amend Chapter 50 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, Zoning, by amending Article XVII, Zoning District Maps, Section 50-17-26, District Map No. 24, to establish a B4 (General Business District) zoning classification where a B3 (Shopping District) zoning classification currently exists for parcel identification numbers 17001183, 17001182, 17001181, 17001180, 17001179, 17001178, 17010006, and 17001100, commonly known as 7700 Harper, 7724 Harper, 7730 Harper, 7738 Harper, 7746 Harper, 7760 Harper, 6401 Van Dyke, and 7844 East Edsel Ford, on land generally bounded by Harper Avenue, Van Dyke Avenue, East Edsel Ford Service Drive, and Baldwin Avenue.